Dissolved Oxygen benchtop meter with extra large LCD display for ease of use. The meter uses polarographic type sensor with replaceable membranes and programmable pressure compensation, 600 to 1000 mBar and salinity compensation, 0 to 40.0 ppt. Communications is via. Features dual LCD displays for D.O. and temperature. ATC is a 10k thermistor. Power is 115/230V AC or by battery.

  • Clear, large LCD display (4 1/8 x 3 1/16 in.).
  • Clear LCD displays D.O. as percent air saturation or D.O. as parts per thousand, simultaneously with temperature.
  • Manual or automatic temperature compensated (ATC) D.O. readings.
  • User selectable salinity and pressure compensated D.O. readings.
  • Works with accurate and reliable polarographic D.O. probes.
  • Convenient one point calibration for D.O. calibration data is stored in memory and is ready for use on power up.
  • Automatic lock mode and end point sensing are available to lock in stable readings.
  • Intuitive operation with membrane keypad with tactile and audio feedback.
  • Splash resistant case is made with durable, reinforced plastic for added protection.
  • protective covers for connectors are included.
  • Large LCD is offset for improved protection against unintentional damage.
  • Smaller case does not clutter valuable desk space.
  • 8pin DIN connector for D.O. and thermistor.
  • AC adaptor or battery power.

DO Range (PPM / Air Saturated) = 0.00 to 20.00 ppm / 0.0 to 200.0 %
DO Resolution (PPM / Air Saturated) = 0.01 ppm / 0.1 %
DO Accuracy (PPM / Air Saturated) = ± 0.2 % of span
Temperature Range = -6.0 to 50.0 °C
Temperature Resolution = 0.1 °C
Temperature Accuracy = ± 0.3 °C
Salinity Compensation Manual = 0.0 to 40.0 ppt
Pressure Compensation Manual = 600 to 1100 mbar
Temperature Compensation Auto = -10.0 to 50.0 °C
Sensor Type = Thermistor 10k ohm at 25 °C
Power Supply = Six 1.5 v batteries or 115/230 V AC adapter
Relative Humidity = Up to 95 %
Calibration Backup = Yes
Calibration Backup = Eprom
Audio Feedback = All touch keys
End Point Sensing & Hold = Yes
LCD Character Size (Main, Temperature) = 21 x 16 mm high LCD
Ambient Temperature Range = 0 to 50 °C
Dimensions (w x d x h ) = 165 x 230 x 80 mm
Weight = 650 grams (excluding batteries)

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